Thursday, 28 May 2009

Elderflowers and longer walks

Today didn't have such an aspicious start. We overslept, and I didn't
have long with my Husband before he had to go to work. We still had
time for breakfast (Panfried rice and tofu, with wholemeal bread) but
not long enough to open up to the day together, and as such, it seems
a bit odd. Anyway... breakfast was had, and off he went to work.

I checked the kefir, which seems to be coming along nicely (yay!) and
took my sandwhich out of the fridge... packed a bag, and got ready for
the day.

I made the mistake of putting on the PC after doing the washing up,
and as such, nothing got done untill about 10am. I hung out the
washing, received a parcel from the postman (I didn't open it, as it
was from my mother in law, and doubtless a birthday present), then
walked into town. On the way, I spoke to my mum on the phone.... I'm
going to go see her Tuesday, which will be nice :) I was looking for
plumbs, as I saw a really interesting recipe for kefir plum jam
online... however, the cheapest was £1 from Aldi, but I wasn't sure...
so I went looking elsewhere. I shall go pick some up tomorrow.

I did however buy
35p - Plastic Tea strainer
£1 - Rhubarb (which I've made into a tart, now in the oven)
29p - Pepsi
70p - Close dated alpro soy milk
60p - Morrisions soy milk
£1.15 - Organic Popcorn (only to find cheaper, non organic stuff in Morrisions)
34p - Dandilion and Burdock diet pop
45p - 'Stay Fresh' bread

So, all in all, not loads

On the way out from Morrsions I spoke to one of the charity
collectors, who encouraged me to join their ranks... and walking back
I collected some elderflowers, which I'll dobtless find a use for.

Now, I'm just waiting for my OH to come home... he seems late. I know
he's busy today though.

Edit > He's home now, and we both really loved the pie tart... I'm really pleased as I kinda made it without a recipe

Today, I took 12907 steps :)

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