Sunday, 11 October 2009

Getting the house sorted

This is a very quick update.

I'm still not employed, so I'm really started looking at part time work so at least I've got something coming in!

Since I last spoke to y'all we have done a lot of rearraning in the house.

Massive purge of rubbish
6-7 bags of books - Oxfam
2-3 boxes of random brick a brack - Charity Shops
Second Hand Games - Totally £160 worth, traded in at Game and Gamestation.

Lounge totally moved around
Sideboard, Bookcase and sofa moved about

New blind installed

Loads of clothes off to charity shops
New bed purchased and installed
Bedding and towels placed in storage bags under bed
New shelf put up

Bath repaired (floating screws had come loose)

Its really starting to look like a home :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey.
    Thanks for your crumpet comment.
    Having a good clear out is so liberating!
    Creates a positive space to generate some positivity around you and your famly.
    Good luck on the job hunting - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
